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  • There are many free websites that can create QR codes that can be downloaded in different forms. Images, YouTube videos, and even URLs can be made into a QR code. Students can then use their phones to scan the codes. 

  • There are many applications for a QR code in the classroom. Schools have used QR codes as a form of attendance for events. QR codes can be an interesting and fun way to format activities for your students. For example, there are websites that help you format QR codes into a scavenger hunt which can be an engaging activity for the class.  



QR Codes

  • The QR codes meet the ISTE standards by helping to incorporate technology in a creative and engaging way. The QR codes help the students communicate their ideas to the teacher and their peers. Creative Communicator, Knowledge Constructor, and Innovative Designer apply to the QR codes as students communicate their responses to activities. For example, students can create documents and convert voice recordings into QR codes linked to the document.  

  • QR codes fit in Danielson's Domains 1, 3, and 4. Domain 1: Planning and Prep. teachers can incorporate their content into QR codes for the class. Domain 3: Instruction is next because the activities help the students engage with the lesson. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities fits last because teachers can also use the QR codes as a form of attendance or roster for the classroom.

Standards: QR Code

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