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Annotation 2020-05-04 003148.png
  • Buncee can be used by educators to create interactive presentations. The user can use external sources or sources already created by Buncee to create their presentations. Buncee has the ability to make things that look like books or comics with highly engaging visual tools. This makes Buncee ideal for creating a Social Story. 

  • A Social Story is a short description of a situation, activity, or event. Social Stories show what a person should expect to happen in the situation and why it happened. ​Social Stories were created by Carol Gray to help develop self-care skills, social skills, and academic ability by depicting how best to do these things. They can also help someone understand how and why someone will respond to a particular situation. Social Stories can also be adapted to the needs of different people. When writing a Social Story the person should picture the goal they are trying to accomplish, gather information on the topic that is being discussed, and tailor the text so that it is a story being told with supportive language. This is just some basic information about Social Stories, to find more information visit:

  • Students with autism can struggle with social interactions and transitions, so using a Social Story can help the student better cope with situations. Educators can record audio to go along with the Social Story so students who struggle with reading can still understand the Social Story. 


Take a Look: to see the full Buncee Social Story click on the "Go" button. 



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