Danielson Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
​Professional Responsibility is all about connecting with colleagues and the professional community. It is also about reflecting on the teaching and making needed adjustments.
4a: Reflecting on Teaching
Reflect on teaching, should be done as the teacher goes along
Reflect and talk to colleagues about how teaching is going and what changes need to be made
Reach out to a colleague
Being ready to show off what the teacher is teaching
Showing other things that worked for the teacher
Reflect on things that didn't work
4b: Maintaining Accurate Records
Keep grades
Read IEPs
Keep track of calls with parents
Keep track of when students are absent
Keep well-organized records.
4c: Communicating with Families
The more the parents know the better the class will run
Tell parents when kids do well not just when something goes wrong
Communicate with families when the teacher sees them at an event
4d&4e: Participating in a Professional Community & Growing and Developing Professionally
Be apart of the community
How the teacher is interacting with kids
A part of a professional community
What is the teacher doing to grow themselves professionally
Are they trying to communicate and strengthen their relationship with families
Invest in professional twitters and Instagram's
Invest wherever schools ask
4f: Showing Professionalism
Being a good employee
Teachers have a contract, be professional
Teachers should let people know when they have made a mistake
Turn in grades on time