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  • Google Forms can be used to create quizzes. For example, I created a quiz to assess the student's understanding of the book Shiloh.

  • Google Forms allows you to create multiple-choice, short-answer, and even paragraph questions. This tool is easy to use and it's already formatted for the user so the educator only needs to insert their questions. You can program the tool to just send you the results of the quiz or you can enter in the correct answers and have it grade it for you. Overall the tool is easy to use and creates a quick assessment to use with students. 

  • As an educator, this tool could be used to create study guides, practice exams, quizzes, and quick in-class assessments.


Digital Assessment Tool: Google Forms

  • Google Forms helps meet some of the ISTE Standards for students. If the teacher had the students use Google Forms to create assessments for classmates or even other classes then the students are Knowledge Constructors. They would be using the technology to create creative artifacts that could be used by the class. 

  • Google Forms also incorporates creativity and collaboration into the assessments. The fact that many students can work on the same Google Form allows students to collaborate. It also allows the teacher to make creative assessments to use with the students. 

  • This tool fits in Danielson's Domains 1, 3, and 4. It fits into Domain 1: Planning and Preparation because it incorporates what the students are learning into an assessment. Domain 3: Instruction, Google Forms is an engaging way to assess students' knowledge. Lastly, it fits into Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities because it allows the teacher to keep an organized record of the student's success levels on the assessment. 

Standards: Google Forms


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Grove City College

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